Day 10 - Franc Food Docs

Hi Everyone -

Day 10 and things are going well for us. We're on the tail end of our little cold we both had and starting to fell much better. We had a busy day today so we simply made some pasta marinara with garlic toast for dinner. We've been saving this dish for a day we didn't have much time to cook. It's quick, easy and even our kids will eat it! I tried whipping up some meatless meatballs but wasn't 100% happy with the results. I've got an idea how I can make them better and will share that with you when I'm satisfied with the results.

I did want to comment on some of the food documentaries we've been watching lately. We've found a couple of good ones, which we feel are good eye openers to our current system of food. I personally don't like being preached to, but these films do not seem to do that. They simply educate and let you form your own opinion as to what you should be doing for your health. What amazes me most about these films is how much good information is in each one that never gets out there to the majority of people. A lot of this stuff is pretty simple to get, but must people don't take the time to seek out the information and educate themselves. If you are new to healthier eating you owe it to yourself to watch a few of these so you can make the best choices for you and your family. Thanks.

Food Inc.
This movie looks at how our country has moved into mass produced, factory farming. Lots of insight into the quality of this type of food and an eye opener as to how it's produced.

King Corn
I liked this film because it shows the delema we face as Americans - Do we want good food or cheap food? The film follows two college buddies who decide to plant an acre of corn in Iowa and then follow that corn though the food system. You'll be amazed at how many things we consume that are made with corn! I also liked that this film shows the famers who are basically stuck producing what the government subsidizes.

Check these two out. I've got a few more suggestions I will be adding in future blog posts.


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